Date of use: July 26, 1971 - August 7, 1971.
Dimensions: 2.58 x 8 cm (tape sample), 21.6 x 28 cm (presentation).
Flown Status: flown.
Voice and data tape segment (34/200) flown around the Moon on Apollo 15. The reel was lot #539, purchased at auction in the Spring of 2000 by collector Mike Smithwick. It comes with copies of its corresponding documentation, which includes transit tags, bonded storage documents and laboratory reports.
DSE (Data Storage Equipment). Credit: Photo: S66-22993. Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
The DSE (Data Storage Equipment) was used during the crucial Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) burn performed by the Command and Service Module (CSM) while situated on the opposite side of the Moon, beyond the reach of Earth communication, and during re-entry. Throughout this interval, the DSE recorded the dialogue of the crew, as well as critical data related to the engine and system operations. Subsequently, these recorded inputs were transmitted to the ground for detailed engineering assessment as the spacecraft flew into Earthrise and reestablished radio contact with Mission Control.
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