Artifact:  SpaceX Starship SN24 thermal protection tile fragments Date of use:  April 20, 2023. Fragment 1 Dimensions: 14 x 12.2 x 3 cm...

SpaceX Starship SN24 thermal protection tile fragments

Artifact: SpaceX Starship SN24 thermal protection tile fragments
Date of use: April 20, 2023.

Fragment 1
Dimensions: 14 x 12.2 x 3 cm.
Weight: 69 gr.

Fragment 2
Dimensions: 9 x 3.6 x 1.3 cm.
Weight: 7 gr.

Flown Status: flown.

2 fragments of the thermal protection tiles used during the launch test of SpaceX Starship SN4 on April 20, 2023. They were found on Playa del Sol, also know as Barra del Tordo in Mexico on May 15, 2023.

The shape of the hex tiles used for ther thermal protection system offers no straight path for hot gas to accelerate through the gaps.

Above: Fragments location within the shape of a hex tile.

Hex tiles on Starship in 2021. Credit: Austin Barnard.

Above: Playa del Sol, where the tile fragments where found. Credit: Ronhardrock468.