Size: 6.1 x 9 cm.
Description: Magnus von Braun 10 May 1919 – 21 June 2003) was a German chemical engineer, Luftwaffe aviator, rocket scientist and business executive. In his 20s he worked as a rocket scientist at Peenemünde and the Mittelwerk.
Von Braun arrived at Peenemünde in July 1943 at the request of Wernher von Braun. In March 1944 he was arrested with fellow rocket specialists Wernher von Braun, Klaus Riedel, Helmut Gröttrup, and Hannes Lüersen, but was later released. In late summer 1944 he transferred to the Mittelwerk where he engineered V-2 rocket gyroscopes, servomotors, and turbopumps.
It was he who in 1945, when Berlin fell, on his bicycle and only armed with a white handkerchief, commissioned by his brother Wernher, negotiated with the American soldiers the fate of the German missile engineers.
He contributed to the development of US ballistics after the war, and was heavily involved in the development of the Explorer 1 satellite and the first manned US spaceflight, and was responsible for the development of the fuel used by the Saturn V rocket that was used in the Moon landing program.
Dr. Wernher von Braun surrenders to U.S. Army Counterintelligence persornel of the 44th Infantry Division in Reutte, Tirol on May 2 or May 3, 1945. Left to right are : Charles Stewart, CIC agent; Dr. Herbert Axster; Dieter Huzel; Dr. von Braun (arm in cast); Magnus von Braun (brother) and Hans Lindenberg. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
Braun was recruited to continue working in the United States as part of Operation Overcast, eventually going to Fort Bliss missile testing facility in Texas in 1946 and later to Huntsville at Redstone Arsenal . At Fort Bliss and in Huntsville he worked under Karl Heimburg.
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