Item:  Rocketdyne rocket fuel Identification Tape Part number: MDI 75-5024-0001 P.O. number: P000064968 Lot number: 1277227 Size: 12 x 2.5...

Rocketdyne Rocket Fuel Identification Tape

Item: Rocketdyne rocket fuel Identification Tape
Part number: MDI 75-5024-0001
P.O. number: P000064968
Lot number: 1277227
Size: 12 x 2.5 cm.
Weight: 194 gr.
Manufacturer: Rocketdyne

Description: Identification Tapes are used to identify various type of fluid lines and tubing used in the aerospace and aviation industry. In this case, the ID tape is used for identifying rocket fuel systems of the Space Shuttle's Main Rocket Engine.